Fill in the appropriate name of the township and county of the Justice Court. When an eviction is complete, Nevada Revised Statute 118.460(1) requires the landlord to safeguard the former tenant's property for thirty days.A "formal" eviction allows the landlord to request both possession of the rental property and money in a single lawsuit. In Nevada it would take forever because we don't do jury trials for evictions. We have bench trials only - meaning you only get a judge. At the expiration of the Unlawful Detainer Notice, the landlord can file for an eviction with the court. However, if a tenant wants to have a jury trial, the tenant must file a verified answer with a jury demand. (d)Unlawful Detainer Trials. A "formal" eviction allows the landlord to request both possession of the rental property and money in a single lawsuit. Click to find the Nevada Forms Legal Database.