(1) A party's failure to properly file and serve a demand constitutes the party's waiver of a jury trial. In a county whose population is 700,000 or more, a person who lives 65 miles or more from the justice court is exempt from serving as a trial juror.COMPLETE and SUBMIT your Qualification Questionnaire within ten (10) DAYS through eJuror. To be excused from jury duty, you must make a written request using the Jury Affidavit form. All courts including those in NV prefer to honor a jury demand. A Nevada jury has to unanimously decide whether to find you "guilty" or "not guilty. " 3 Otherwise, it is a "hung jury," and the judge declares a mistrial. Reflected in recommendations 1 through 7 that are within the trial court's discretionary authority over the conduct of jury trials, but no later than. As a result of the Nevada Supreme Court decision rendered on September 12, 2019, misdemeanor domestic violence cases qualify for a jury trial. Any Party may file a demand for Jury Trial in Justice Court pursuant to JCRCP 38.