The North Carolina Supreme Court ruled there was no constitutional right to a jury trial in a Worker's Compensation case. 5. Unemployment Compensation Comm. V.Defendants in North Carolina may now waive their right to a jury trial (except in capital murder cases) and have a bench trial instead. To demand a jury trial in an unlawful detainer case, you generally need to file a specific court form along with your answer to the complaint. This benchbook is a revision of former Circuit Judge Lowell Bray's 2014 Civil. Jury Trial Benchbook. Attorney must be an active member in good standing with the Middle District of Florida and have an upgraded PACER account with e-filing privileges. A demand shall not be accepted for filing unless a note of issue is filed in the action. Summons to Appear to Complete Juror Qualification Form, Jury Forms. Find out what to expect when you arrive, how to conduct yourself, and what you need to do when you serve as a juror.