Generally, you must contact the clerk of superior court office or the chief district court judge's office if you want to be excused or defer your jury service. (a) No employer may discharge or demote any employee because the employee has been called for jury duty, or is serving as a grand juror or petit juror.Complete the online Jury Service Response Form. Before Reporting for Jury Service: Please complete the juror questionnaire. Bring the questionnaire with you when you report. These requests may be made at the time of reporting. Travis County will accommodate anyone with a medical problem or a disability to help them complete their jury service. You've been selected for jury service in a North Dakota court. You may be disqualified from jury duty if you have a mental or physical disability that keeps you from serving. Whenever the questioning of a juror discloses some reason why the juror might not be objective or unbiased in the case (i.e.