Register at the JPORTAL website and complete your juror questionnaire. You can sign up for text or email notifications or request an excusal or deferral.One of the attorneys may "challenge a juror for cause. You will be required to make only one appearance in court for jury selections held that day, or serve for one trial (jury selection may take more than one day). Prior to the trial, a complaint is prepared and filed setting forth one or more charges against the defendant. When a demand for jury trial is included in a pleading, the demand must be set forth at the end of the pleading. Jury service is a duty of citizenship, a high privilege, and an opportunity to observe and participat e in democracy in action. I just got a jury summons and it says I have to call in for a full week to see if I'm needed. Last time I was summoned, about a year ago, it was for a day. A lawsuit is started when the plaintiff files a complaint with the court.