You can complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire on-line or you can complete the form, sign it, and return it in the business reply envelope. Jurors who do not sit on a jury trial may serve for as little as 12 days.Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880. All applications for postponements MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO YOUR DATE OF SERVICE. Jurors summoned for jury service in Essex County must report in person at am on their assigned date. There are deadlines for that. This is the penalty phase and the kind of relief that the NY AG has asked for doesn't allow for a jury trial. No one may be tried for a serious crime unless a grand jury has determined that there is sufficient evidence. The grand jury is unique. Use the eJuror link to access the application and respond to your summons.