Be sure to fill in your current address, county, and state of residence when completing your questionnaire online. If the person is unable to fill out the form, another person may fill it out for him, indicate that he has done so, and the reason therefor.Who may be called as a juror? Please complete the Juror Information Questionnaire. Question No. 11 asks if you are a resident of Delaware County, Pennsylvania followed up with Question No. If you have additional questions, please contact the Office of Jury Management at 412-350-5336 from a.m. As a general rule, no person is exempt or excused from jury duty except for the following reasons: (1) Persons in active service of the armed forces. This book is written for jurors selected to serve in the trial court of the Federal Government, the United States District Court. After being discharged, jurors are permitted, but not required, to talk about the case. Print the attachments from your email confirmation.