Trial in a court case in which a written complaint is filed against the defendant shall commence within 365 days from the date on which the complaint is filed. Persons receiving a Juror Qualification Questionnaire must truthfully complete and submit the form.Click on the form you want to complete. Information regarding jury duty and Centre County's Jury Commissioners, who administer the criminal and civil jury selection process. A party files and serves a written demand for a jury trial not later than twenty days after service of the last permissible pleading. The points in the pleadings upon which the parties disagree make up the issues of fact and law. Sometimes these issues are set forth in a pre-trial order. If you are unable to fill out the form, someone may complete it for you. 8. Is there an age limit for serving as a juror? The temporary excusal from jury service will be granted for a period of up to two years at the discretion of the Court.