The purpose of this site is to provide information from and about the Judicial Branch of the US Government. To demand a jury trial in an unlawful detainer case, you generally need to file a specific court form along with your answer to the complaint.A party files and serves a written demand for a jury trial not later than twenty days after service of the last permissible pleading. This form is available on Westlaw. Easily search more than 600,000 legal forms to find the exact form you need. Included on this page are forms for filing civil complaints, private criminal complaints and notices of settlement when cases are privately resolved. (3) By oral consent, in open court, entered in the minutes. Blink offers an affordable gym membership with tons of gym equipment, certified personal training programs, and a free 30-minute start-up session. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. The coroner's office said all the victims died from blunt force injuries.