Therefore, we ask you to discharge your duty with care, honesty, and good conscience. If you appeared for jury service but were not chosen for a trial, you are exempt from serving for 18 months from the date of service.After a trial is over, am I finished or am I still on call? Once you have served as a juror for a trial your jury service is finished for the reporting period. If you are selected to serve on a jury, you will be required to serve until the trial is concluded, typically one to three days. Depends on local laws. There was just recently a high profile trial which went on longer than expected. You must file in the court where you were convicted of an offense. Jurors appearing for service and released the first day, not selected for trial, are paid for mileage only. Steps in a felony jury trial, including: jury selection; opening statements; questioning witnesses; closing arguments; deliberations and verdict.