Plaintiff's Demand for Jury Trial, CVC11F. If you want a Jury Trial, write in your name, address and other information at the top of the page.Person Filing: Address (if not protected):. City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Email Address: Lawyer's Bar Number: Representing. This badge identifies you as a juror to other people in the Court, and should prevent them from discussing Municipal Court cases while in your presence. The defendant has 20 calendar days from service of process to file an answer (Form No. AOCLJCV4F) to the lawsuit. The parties shall file as a separate pleading Joint Proposed Forms of Verdict. Steps in a felony jury trial, including: jury selection; opening statements; questioning witnesses; closing arguments; deliberations and verdict. All trials must be in the district court. " Named as Defendant in the Complaint is the Phoenix Memorial Hospital.