Learn all that you need to know after responding to a jury summons to serve as a member of the jury in Maricopa County. The Jury Commissioner's Office provides jurors for all trial divisions of the Superior Court, and in some counties for the justice courts and municipal courts.After a trial is over, am I finished or am I still on call? Once you have served as a juror for a trial your jury service is finished for the reporting period. Do not form or express any opinion of the case until you are in the Jury Deliberation Room. There is no "guaranteed" method of getting out of jury duty, unless you meet one of the following criteria. Information for Jurors. Potential jurors must complete the juror qualification questionnaire. All US citizens are qualified for jury service if they are at least 18 years old, are residents of the jurisdiction in which they have been summoned to serve. Missing jury duty can result in a finding of contempt of court and a possible jail sentence.