Please complete the online Contact, Qualifications and Excuses questionnaires (and Disability Questionnaire if needed). To request a postponement, follow the instructions in the Juror Affidavit Questionnaire or Summons or contact the court in which you are scheduled to appear.Prior to your appearance date you may call our automated phone system (1-877-785-1415) or click here to find out the status of your excuse request. The questionnaires are used to determine if you are qualified to serve as a juror. Draft a demand settlement letter and describe the alternative dispute resolution methods of mediation and arbitration. I. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION. Rule. 1. This is when the legal parties summarise the case and outline key points of evidence to help the jury make their verdict. Finally, the judge sums up. The court will set each Fast Trial case for a jury trial. The court will set each Fast Trial case for a jury trial.