If you have received a jury summons, access the juror web portal for confirmation of reporting time, date, and location instructions. Fill out your jury qualification questionnaire or summons online through the court's eJuror system.You may request to be excused from federal service. You can use the links below to complete the online juror questionnaire, defer your service, or check your juror status. The jury placed a check mark next to Jeffrey Tisdale's name and awarded him. On the day of your service, you'll report to the courthouse listed on your summons. I had jury duty at the Banning court today, and absolutely no one got called and no jury selection was done, which was a first for me. Verdict and Sentencing. Jury trial procedures, fill out this form, serve a copy on all other parties in the case, and file the original with the court along with a. Our Release of Information (ROI) Department helps you complete forms for disability or medical leave and provides required medical information.