If you have received a jury summons, access the juror web portal for confirmation of reporting time, date, and location instructions. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Regarding Jury Service.Who May Be Called to Serve as a Juror? You will be asked to fill out a form stating that you "stayed the night" and the date that you stayed. Find out what to expect when you report to the courthouse for your jury duty. I had jury duty at the Banning court today, and absolutely no one got called and no jury selection was done, which was a first for me. You will then be placed in a jury assembly room where they will ask you to fill out paperwork. Health care that's easy with our health plan. No copays, deductibles or out-of-pocket costs. GoMicro is RTA's on-demand service that offers shared rides in the Hemet-San Jacinto microtransit zone.