You may request to be excused from federal service. The court's normal hours of operation are AM to PM. Prospective jurors should make arrangements to remain the entire day.Requirements: Badge number (available on jury summons) is required to submit request to be disqualified, excused, or to request a postponement of jury service. Eligibility: Must be a Sacramento County resident or have a qualifying case in the Sacramento County Superior Court. Most of them don't start until 9 am, but just a warning, the jury pool parking lot, which is free, can fill up quickly. To request a postponement of your jury service, you will need your nine-digit participant number. To request a medical disqualification, please fill out Part I of this form and have a licensed health care provider complete. Part II of this form. To dismiss parties, fill out Request for Dismissal (CIV-110). A sample filled-in form with instructions is available at the end of this Guide. 5.