This questionnaire is used to provide basic information about you to the judge, the attorneys and the parties on the case once you are sent to a courtroom. Every resident of Sacramento County who is qualified to serve and who does not have a legal hardship or excuse must appear for jury service when summoned.Rule 3.1332(c) of the California Rules of Court (CRC) allows the court to grant a continuance before or during trial on an affirmative showing of good cause. Here is a guide for reporting to and completing your jury duty if you received a jury summons in the mail from the Sacramento County Superior Court. The form is used to obtain information about you so that we can objectively determine whether you are qualified to serve as a juror in the court. 19 votes, 18 comments. Long story short I have jury duty at the end of the month. California has 58 trial courts, one in each county. Your job as a juror is to listen to all the evidence presented at trial, then "decide the facts" — decide what really happened. Victim Notification.