Superior Court of California County of San Bernardino. You can use the links below to complete the online juror questionnaire, defer your service, or check your juror status.To ask for a jury trial you fill out that section on the Request to Set Case for Trial - Unlawful Detainer form. You will be asked to fill out a form stating that you "stayed the night" and the date that you stayed. A request for continuance of a trial date usually requires the filing of the FL-300 Request for. Solorio has endured and continues to suffer severe pain, physical, mental, and emotional harm. 2. A request for continuance of a trial date usually requires the filing of the FL-300 Request for. Employees' Retirement Association (SBCERA). I don't usually prescribe to this but in the case of jury duty it has absolutely worked in my favor. If you have medical issues have your doc fill out the form.