The grand jury is a body of 19 citizens who are charged and sworn to investigate county matters of civil concern as well as inquire into public offenses. At this point, the judge can dismiss you for any reason under their discretion - so if you're really going to suffer a hardship, express that.You're allowed to show up two weeks before or after your summons date - should say in paperwork. If the juror is selected and fails to show up, the court may issue a bench warrant for the Jurors arrest. Print out a blank form. In ALL California courts, including San Diego Superior Court, if a plaintiff wants a jury trial they must ask for it in the complaint. In San Diego county superior court procedure. If the plaintiff does not demand a jury trial in the complaint and does. In the County of San Bernardino, once a person has served as a juror, they are exempt from further jury service for 12 months. Call or fill out the form to arrange a free consultation with a knowledgeable and experienced San Diego criminal defense lawyer.