I've gotten a letter telling me I'm being considered as a juror for US District Court for the Southern District of California. How have parents dealt with their students being called for jury duty in their home town?S2 is in San Diego and we're in the SF Bay area. The form is used to obtain information about you so that we can objectively determine whether you are qualified to serve as a juror in the court. If you would like to ask for a jury trial, you may enter a short plain statement in your complaint, that states, "demand for jury trial. You can use the links below to complete the online juror questionnaire, defer your service, or check your juror status. The Department of Environmental Health and Quality provides the following forms and applications as a reference and service to its customers. Even if the other party does not agree, you may still contact the court to request a continuance of the hearing date. You're on call for a week in California and most people are called in on Monday. Travis County's award winning jury impaneling system just got better!