If you would like to ask for a jury trial, you may enter a short plain statement in your complaint, that states, "demand for jury trial. Here you will find court forms that are commonly used in the Southern District Court of California.If you are requesting a Jury Trial, you can also use the fee waiver form FW002. In ALL California courts, including San Diego Superior Court, if a plaintiff wants a jury trial they must ask for it in the complaint. Small Claims court is a special court where disputes are resolved quickly and inexpensively. The rules are simple and informal. Felony Jury Trials to Verdict – please indicate below the following felony jury trials to verdict as principal counsel in the past five years. Felony Jury Trials to Verdict – please indicate below the following felony jury trials to verdict as principal counsel in the past five years. Did you receive a similar Juror form below? Either a judge or a jury can decide a trial in a civil case.