File: Turn in the original and copy to the Clerk's office located at: 191 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. On this page below is a list of LOCAL forms that can be completed online and then printed.The form you need may be in this list. To demand a jury trial in an unlawful detainer case, you generally need to file a specific court form along with your answer to the complaint. When a demand for jury trial is included in a pleading, the demand must be set forth at the end of the pleading. Plaintiff MARY FRANK ("Plaintiff") alleges as follows: I. INTRODUCTION. 1. Plaintiff brings this complaint against her former mortgage servicer, J.P.. If you would like to ask for a jury trial, you may enter a short plain statement in your complaint, that states, "demand for jury trial. If you would like to ask for a jury trial, you may enter a short plain statement in your complaint, that states, "demand for jury trial. Please fill out the form with the appropriate information.