A demand, if not already provided, must be provided to the defendant(s) in advance of this conference so as to facilitate discussion at the conference. If the plaintiff fails to prove its case, judgment must be rendered against the plaintiff.How do I request a jury trial? Where a jury has returned a verdict, the judge must announce the verdict in open court, note it in the court's docket, and render judgment accordingly. The. I have received a qualification questionnaire regarding Jury Duty (or a postcard asking that I complete a qualification questionnaire). It will be up to a judge whether or not to release or reschedule you for a later date. During the trial, the judge may need to address certain issues of law with the lawyers outside the presence of the jury. If you have received a jury summons you must pre-register below. The functions of the Administrative Coordinating Part (Part 40 TR) are to send cases out for jury selection and to refer them to an available Part for trial. You can login to the I-Juror system using your Juror Id number that is on your summons.