You will be mailed a summons form with a date to report and a qualification questionnaire to complete and return within ten (10) days to the Court. Submit this form with Agreed Motion for Nonsuit.If the judge agrees with your motion, the judge will sign the form. On this page, you should fill in the location that the document is to be filed with, either the trial court or the Court of Appeals. Requests can be made online through the juror portal after completing the questionnaire. Need to reach someone in your county jury office? □ the jury charge and the verdict in a jury trial;. If you do not plead guilty at this setting, then you have to fill out a "Status and Trial Management" form along with a few additional forms. Serving in the case or that renders the juror unfit to sit on the jury. This procedural guide covers generally applicable rules of motion practice in the Tarrant County Superior Court.