Judgment for Plaintiff - Bench Trial - Updated March 2023. Judgment for Plaintiff - Jury Trial - Updated March 2023.Check with the Justice Court to see if they have any forms to request a jury trial. If they do not, you may use this Jury Trial Request form. A written demand for a jury must be filed no later than 14 days before the date a case is set for trial. How do I request a jury trial in Texas? Prior to selection, potential jurors will fill out information about themselves such as age, sex, ethnicity, religion, marital status, etc. Panel. In a contested family law case, you may want to ask the court for a jury trial at your final hearing. If you wish to demand a jury trial, you may file it as a separate document or request it in the. Complaint. The court shall designate the days for taking up the jury docket and the trial of jury cases.