Jury service is a privilege that offers the average citizen an unequaled opportunity to influence and deliberate over fundamental matters of justice. View your Jury Duty Status and Reporting Instructions online.You can also call either 1-888-587-9329 or 1-210-472-4912 for the same information. The judge will begin with juror number one and, excluding those jurors who have been struck, take the first twelve (or six in county courts), potential jurors. Travis County's award winning jury impaneling system just got better! We've added features to keep you up to date on your jury assignment. I have to fill out a Juror Questionnaire. But there are two questions, I'm not sure how to answer. Call them and tell them you don't live in the state anymore. You will need to enter your HC Number found on your summons or your Texas Driver's License number and your last name to begin the process.