A written demand for a jury must be filed no later than 14 days before the date a case is set for trial. Criminal Procedure). 2.Jury service is a privilege that offers the average citizen an unequaled opportunity to influence and deliberate over fundamental matters of justice. Jury selection, especially with a 15-minute time limit, is not science, and realize that a social nature gives you a head start on connecting with jurors. Lawyers often advise litigants to be wary before making a jury demand. Many attorneys feel that jury trials are difficult and excessively complicated. I have to fill out a Juror Questionnaire. But there are two questions, I'm not sure how to answer. If that is the case for you, I'm sincerely happy for you. V=OsiTe-vSoc8 Today we're excited to welcome Richel "Rikky" Rivers to the Texas Family Law Insiders podcast.