Before Reporting for Jury Service: Please complete the juror questionnaire. Bring the questionnaire with you when you report.Jury service is a privilege that offers the average citizen an unequaled opportunity to influence and deliberate over fundamental matters of justice. JUROR INFORMATION FORM: This information is needed for the jury selection process. This questionnaire is intended to determine if you are qualified for jury service (it is not a summons). This may be a screening for a specific trial for which they anticipate a need for a large jury pool or jurors able to sit for a very long trial. Judgment for Plaintiff - Bench Trial - Updated March 2023. Judgment for Plaintiff - Jury Trial - Updated March 2023. You will fill out a jury questionnaire and receive an ID tag to insure that YOU are indeed the person called. In mid-November, the district court set Willingham's jury trial for December 3, 2001.