Those who refuse to complete the juror questionnaire or refuse to appear when called to serve are subject to fines and jail time for contempt of court. You received a form that you are required to complete and return.Based on your answers, the court will decide whether you qualify for jury service. I filled out the form online and was informed via email that I was qualified to serve jury duty and that no further action was required. A prospective juror shall remain on the prospective jury list until there is no longer a need to empanel a jury in that case. To schedule a Free 30-minute consultation to discuss your case with our criminal defense attorney, call us at 801.930. 0290 today or fill out our online form. To complete the Juror Questionnaire, click on this link. If we determine you are qualified for jury service, a Summons for Jury Service will be emailed. There is no jury involved in a bench trial.