Court regarding the method to be following in filling out the particular verdict form that the court decides to use. 324. Jurors are permitted to make notes during the trial and to take their notes into the jury room during their deliberations.This booklet explains the differences in civil and criminal trials, and provides insight into both the sequence of a trial and the role of a juror. You will get a summons, then possibly a fine or even jail time if you don't show and don't tell them up front, or have a valid excuse. Mr. Davis is a N.C. Board Certified. Specialist in Federal Criminal Law,. Combs regularly sent his associates to wake Ms. Richard and her Danity Kane bandmates in the overnight hours so he could watch them rehearse. 42 U.S.C.. § 1981a(c). Cartoon 23 FILL 'ER UP! There is also a complete index at the back of the book listing page numbers for both main entries and cross-references for each idiom.