You must complete the questionnaire online using eJuror within 10 days of receipt, or request that a paper version be mailed to you for completion. Welcome to Washington State Courts.Complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire on the person's behalf and explain why you are doing so in the remarks section on the back side of the form. All King County residents who meet qualifications and cannot be excused for an undue hardship must serve as a juror when summoned. Your Qualification Form will detail the specific dates that you need to be available to serve. Please fill out and return the white questionnaire within 5 days. All King County residents who meet qualifications and cannot be excused for an undue hardship must serve as a juror when summoned. 150 specifies that jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars for each day's attendance. Fill out the questionnaire completely; date and sign it. When you receive your jury summons, you are asked to complete an online questionnaire prior to your service date.