This form is available on Westlaw. Easily search more than 600,000 legal forms to find the exact form you need.If the complaint, answer or other pleading includes a demand for a jury trial, the words "Demand for Jury Trial" shall be included in the title of the pleading. Deadline for Completion: By Pre-Trial Conference. Required Information: The submitting parties shall complete all the information in BLUE. This pamphlet is designed to answer some of the more commonly asked questions about jury duty and explain the events that will occur during your service. Or attorney name, bar no. Indicate in the appropriate box the expected number of days that will be needed to try the case and if the trial shall be a jury or a non-jury trial. Indicate in the appropriate box the expected number of days that will be needed to try the case and if the trial shall be a jury or a non-jury trial. We examined 288,846 civil cases that were filed in a sample of 52 districts.