To file a Code Violation Complaint, please fill out the entire Code Enforcement Complaint Form. Find out how to resolve a problem without going to court, file a complaint against a lawyer, and how to get money back from an unethical attorney below.For Alameda City, click HERE: If you suspect someone of defrauding the Housing Authority, please complete as much of this form as you can. This County of Alameda, General Services Agency (GSA), RFP Addendum has been electronically issued to potential bidders via e-mail. Completely fill in the oval next to the word. This HowToGuide addresses the steps for obtaining a complex case designation under California Rules of Court, rule 3.400 in Alameda County Superior Court. Unlike the situation in Trinkle, the Corporate Securities Act explicitly includes public entities in its coverage; the Unfair Competition Act did not do so. At the same time, the Policy Manual is founded in the Alameda Police. Some cities in Alameda County have their own housing authorities, for the list of cities that fall under HACA's jurisdiction when reporting fraud, click HERE. The provisions contained in this SLA are contingent upon ACWFIA withdrawing the.