The TAA applies to all GSA Schedule contracts unless otherwise stated in the solicitation or contract. Use this table to look up which countries are compliant with TAA.A good or service is TAAcompliant if manufactured or substantially transformed in the United States or manufactured in a TAAdesignated country. Trade Agreement Canadian end products, as defined in the Trade Agreements Act of 1979, as amended. 9. TAA compliance outlines Country of Origin rules for products being sold to the US government (made in the USA or a designated country). The position is responsible for monitoring and compliance in the administration of contracts and for the enforcement of sanctions against violating contractors. 3.10. Child Support Compliance Act. A budget is a roadmap to plan your finances and keep track of where your money goes. Budgeting is a helpful tool whether you're working hard to make ends meet. Enter your username and password in the boxes below to continue.