Sells, offers or exposes for sale mislabeled goods or services. B. Deceptive business practices is a class 1 misdemeanor.Remember that your complaint should describe the event or practice which was misleading to you and why. Prohibits deceptive practices, fraud, and misrepresentations in the sale or advertisement of merchandise. Arizona's Consumer Fraud Act, ARS 44-1521 et seq. , makes it unlawful for a seller to engage in any deception, deceptive or unfair act or practice. Section 20-442 - Unfair trade practices prohibited. Read Section 44-1376.03 - Unfair or deceptive trade practices, Ariz. Rev. Stat. Abusive business or trade practices; Deceptive, unlawful, and unfair trade practices; False or misleading advertising; Fraudulent business practices. Complaints help the FTC and other law enforcement agencies bring scam artists to justice and put an end to unfair and misleading business practices.