Prospective subjects must not be deceived about research that is reasonably expected to cause physical pain or severe emotional distress. 4. Subjects in a research study are video-recorded without their prior knowledge and consent.Active Deception: intentionally providing misleading or false information about the study purpose, nature, or other aspect. The purpose of this document is to assist researchers in addressing issues related to using deception in research with human subjects. The use of deception and incomplete disclosure are valuable research techniques used to answer scientific inquiries in human subjects research. This guidance will focus on deception and incomplete disclosure separately, and provide guidance on how they are different and how they can be. Initial consent: It is a good practice to make the initial consent process as informative as possible, keeping as much deception out of it as possible. Designees may orient potential subjects, but investigators are responsible for completing the consent process. The Proof is in the Paperwork. As you complete your research and decide to purchase a particular policy, it's important to keep detailed records.