The TAA applies to all GSA Schedule contracts unless otherwise stated in the solicitation or contract. TAAcompliant products must either be wholly manufactured in the US or a designated country some of which are listed above or substantially transformed.Buy American Act Compliance Attorney for California Businesses Whay Law Firm (202) 448-9677. If TAA-funded training, TAA staff will complete an eligible worker's Trade Act Educational Agreement,. DE 8391 form, or a Trade Act On-the-Job Training. The Trade American Act TAA requires that foreign end products be substantially transformed in the United States before being sold to the government. The TAA is a federal law that was enacted in 1979 to promote fair trade and level the playing field for U.S. businesses competing in the global market. The United States has comprehensive free trade agreements in force with 20 countries. CBP will ensure implementing instructions and other compliance guidance are available in advance of the Agreement entering into force. Effectively, the TAA allows federal agencies to treat products made in freetradesignatory countries as if they were made in the United States.