The Illinois Deceptive Business Practices and Consumer Fraud Act (Act) protects consumers from businesses that would try to take advantage of them. Our consumer protection lawyers help individuals, small groups, and large groups (class actions) who have fallen victim to deceptive advertising practices.According to truth in advertising laws, every advertisement must avoid being unfair, deceptive, or misleading. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to display for sale any merchandise unless the selling price is accurately stated in a clear and conspicuous manner. Consumer Fraud Helplines 1-800-386-5438 (Chicago) 1-800-243-0618 (Springfield) 1-800-0618-0607 (Carbondale). Individuals with hearing Free Consultation - Call (312) 902-3344 - This page provides information about deceptive practices and fraud. An unfair and deceptive marketing case currently making its way through the courts could have a huge impact on future cases involving past conduct.