Section 2. Definitions. Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC Act) prohibits "unfair methods of competition in or affecting commerce.Unfair trade practices are unlawful business actions that are deceptive, fraudulent, or harmful to consumers. The FTC intends to use Section 5's ban on "unfair methods of competition" to police conduct beyond the focus of federal antitrust laws. This how-to guide provides guidance on the basics of antitrust and unfair trade practices law, and how it applies to your organization. Unfair competition laws protect companies and consumers from wrongful acts that impede a healthy, competitive business market. The essence of a claim of unfair competition is fair play in one's trade or business practices. Claim for damages under FDUTPA has three elements: (1) a deceptive act or unfair practice; (2) causation; and (3) actual damages. Common law prohibited a variety of trade practices unfair either to competitors or to consumers. Unfair trade practices refer to trading conducted unfairly or unjustly, which may limit free competition in the market.