The Consumer Protection Unit investigates and prosecutes cases such as deceptive advertising, unfair competition, and other forms of consumer fraud. Consumer Complaint Form: Use this form to submit a complaint about unfair business practices or real estate fraud.(1) Denial of Allegations in Complaint (form UD100 or other complaint for unlawful detainer). The Congress of Neutrals provides mediation services in small claims, unlawful detainer and civil harassment cases throughout Contra Costa County. A person who has filed a fictitious business name statement shall file a statement of abandonment of use of fictitious business name. Why join the Contra Costa Health Services? Donna Floyd, Senior Dean of Instruction. If you locate unlawful language, you may complete the Restrictive Covenant Modification form, and submit it to our office for review and recording. Online tool to help a tenant with a Unlawful Detainer action. Evictions. CCSLS does not provide assistance to landlords seeking to evict tenants.