The Consumer Protection Unit investigates and prosecutes cases such as deceptive advertising, unfair competition, and other forms of consumer fraud. Briefly explain the facts upon which you are basing your complaint (how, when, and why you believe you are a victim of an unfair business practice).For instance, in Texas, a plaintiff may recover for emotional distress in a deceptive trade practices case if the plaintiff can prove that the defendant's. Law Office of Daniel Horowitz represents residents of Contra Costa who have been arrested for white collar crimes. (a) Unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of consumer transactions and consumer acts or practices in trade or commerce are declared unlawful. Georgia deceptive trade practices law bans false advertising, making it a misdemeanor charge and also allowing victims to sue for damages. Official Code of Georgia Annotated > TITLE 10 Commerce and Trade (Chs. Standing Contra Costa County citizen, Mr. Roscoe 0.