The Consumer Protection Code broadly prohibits companies from misleading consumers in order to make a sale. The Ohio Code also regulates trade practices and advertising through the Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA; Ohio Rev.On this section of the website, you will find information about different types of deceptive practices and the penalties they carry. Cuyahoga County's Department of Consumer Affairs makes sure people who live or shop in Cuyahoga County get what they pay for. These three examples demonstrate some of the most common ways companies perform false advertising and how you can avoid them. The Act prohibits misleading and deceptive advertising and marketing. The latest edition looks at the use of fake scarcity cues in online marketplaces and provides an update on drip pricing. Under the Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act ("CSPA"), Ohio Revised Code 1345.01 et seq. In the deceptive acts and practices alleged below. Engaging in misleading or deceptive practices.