If you have a question or need advice about a consumer issue, contact Consumer Affairs at 703-222-8435, TTY 711 to speak to a consumer specialist. The Consumer Protection Section of the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia provides protection to consumers from fraud, deception, and illegal practices.You may complete a complaint form online or download one of our complaint forms. For further assistance call our Consumer Protection Hotline at 1-800-552-9963. Mission: To help protect Fairfax County consumers from illegal, fraudulent or deceptive consumer practices in the marketplace. You should fill out the complaint form as completely and accurately as possible. When you are done, make a copy for yourself. If you have a question or need advice about a consumer issue, contact Consumer Affairs at 703-222-8435, TTY 711, to speak to a consumer specialist. The mission of the Fairfax County's Consumer Affairs is to help protect Fairfax County consumers from illegal, fraudulent or deceptive consumer practices. What is the process if I'm opening a new business?