The CFTC has witnessed a sharp rise in forex trading scams in recent years and wants to advise you on how to identify potential fraud. (NYSE: BEN) on behalf of investors.The DoddFrank Act is one of the most significant US regulatory r since the Great Depression. You are trading against the dealer. Massachusetts securities regulators on Wednesday charged Franklin Resources, the fourthlargest mutual fund firm, with fraud for improper trading. Digital trade represented an estimated 24 percent of global trade in 2018, up from 19 percent in 1995. Inevitably, my inbox begins to fill up with questions like – non-farm payroll was positive so why did the USD tank? Forex trading is a job. Its not a path to wealth or riches. Forex Trading Millionaire : Little Dirty Secrets And Weird Tricks To Break The Forex Blues Bust Out Of The Losing Cycle and Easy Instant Forex .