Georgia deceptive trade practices law bans false advertising, making it a misdemeanor charge and also allowing victims to sue for damages. (a) Unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of consumer transactions and consumer acts or practices in trade or commerce are declared unlawful.To assist it in carrying out its responsibilities or to act as a hearing official. O.C.G.A. Sections 10-1-390 et seq. ) Georgia's Fair Business Practices Act prohibits unfair and deceptive acts or practices in the marketplace. February 2022 Bar Exam. Complaint Information. Please explain your complaint: Try to be brief, but be sure to tell WHAT happened, WHEN it happened and WHERE it happened. Roosevelt himself kept interested in national affairs while pursuing business opportunities and developing a polio treatment center in Warm Springs, Georgia. Investors are not required to fill out an FS Form 1199A.