Habit 3: Put First Things First is about protecting time for what's most important to us. Habit 3 is the work that takes us to that vision.The Ben Franklin sales technique is when you give the prospect arguments for and arguments against buying your product, service, or solution. Franklin's Advice to a Young Tradesman was first published in July 1748 in George Fisher's The American Instructor: or Young Man's Best Companion. The following framework helps move sales leaders from passive engagement to active championship. Learn how you can apply Benjamin Franklin's decision making process to your business. Let's extract some lessons from Ben Franklin's famous practice of sentence structure, as described in Talent is Overrated. It is unlikely he will be able to get another 4 knives unless he is able to show that these knives are somehow Rare or Unique in the business. Edie Raphael shares Ben Franklin's profound approach to personal transformation, along with 13 traits for living a profoundly successful life.