The following are four main requirements for a business to legally operate in the City of Houston. The following are the four main business requirements for a business to legally operate in Houston.What are the requirements for registering a mark in Texas? The requirements for registering a mark in Texas are set out in the Texas Business and Commerce Code. Vehicles are required to be titled in the buyer's name within 30 days from the date of sale. Learn how to fill out each section of the elevation certificate form, correct an existing certificate, and other general issues completing the form. Having a set of day trading rules is a crucial first step for anyone looking to get into day trading so make sure to build rules based around your strategy. Complete a Building Permit Application online, and upload a Deed Restrictions Declaration form (Individual or Business Entity). Yes. Certificates of formation can be filed online through SOSDirect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Follow these guidelines in order to CHANGE OWNERSHIP of an existing food establishment in the City of Houston.