Congress should expand the law to better address the unfair trade practices China uses to capture market share in advanced industries at America's expense. United States retains the flexibility to seek recourse for foreign unfair trade practices in the WTO or under Section.China's trade talks filled with deception. China currently selfdesignates as a developing country, giving it an unfair advantage over other countries and American businesses. China is also flooding global markets with artificially lowpriced exports. China is a major economic partner of the US but engages in unfair trade practices. To establish a claim for unfair and deceptive trade practices, a plaintiff must show that the (1) defendant committed an unfair or deceptive act or practice. Dy unfair trade practices with China via the current account (i.e. , trade), principally through tariffs, tariff-rate quotas, and exclusion. Whether the practices herein alleged to be deceptive are sufficiently consumeroriented to fall within the purview of GBL Section 349.