The Task Force is part of a government-wide initiative to combat fraud against consumers – particularly the elderly, service members, and veterans. Establishes a new task force or similar structure within the DOJ's Criminal Division to investigate and prosecute traderelated crimes.Money laundering enables criminal activity and is necessary to disguise illgotten gains. Scammers are lurking on LinkedIn and other job sites, posing as "recruiters" for wellknown companies. The task force is improving efforts across the government and with State and local partners to investigate and prosecute significant financial crimes. Milken was indicted for racketeering and securities fraud in 1989 in an insider trading investigation. He says, look, the way the government is set up to deal with trade fraud cases, it's kind of a mess. Milken was indicted for racketeering and securities fraud in 1989 in an insider trading investigation. You can always report scams to the Federal Trade Commission. The scam taskforces have been very successful in terms of creating awareness of the various scams and deceptive people.