Gov or call 800.952.5210. is the federal government's website where you can report fraud, scams, and bad business practices.Contact the Attorney General's Public Inquiry Unit to report a complaint about a business or if you have questions or comments. To make a report, contact LADWP Security Services at (213) 367-3373 or LAPD at (877) 275-5273. Use this hotline to report Los Angeles County managers, employees, contractors, or vendors who commit fraud, waste, or misappropriation of County resources. If you're facing charges for a fraud offense in California, contact a Los Angeles fraud attorney from Spolin Law P.C. at (310) 424-5816. Ringler Law Corporation aggressively represents plaintiffs in commercial fraud litigation. Call 805-719-4903 to reach our Santa Monica, California, office. It is alarming to look at the amount of businesses out there that are not doing business in an honest fashion. If you have been arrested or charged with any fraud-related criminal offense, contact our office immediately at 310-914-2444.